Large outdoor market for food & crafts

Norwich Market

Norwich, ENG
Norwich Market

90% like it (4.5 / 7703 Reviews )


Address: 1 Market Pl, Norwich NR2 1ND, United Kingdom MapGet Directions


Please keep in mind that due to temporary closures, the times listed below may not accurately reflect current opening hours.
Day Working Hours
Monday Jun 10 08:00-17:00
Tuesday Jun 11 10:00-19:00
Wednesday Jun 12 08:00-17:00
Thursday Jun 13 10:00-19:00
Friday Jun 14 08:00-17:00
Saturday Jun 15 10:00-19:00
Sunday Jun 16 Closed


Norwich Market logo

Norwich Market, located in the heart of the city center, is a bustling and lively destination that offers a diverse range of culinary delights and unique shopping experiences. With its 900-year history, this outdoor market has become an iconic landmark in Norwich, attracting both locals and tourists from far and wide. From fresh produce and international cuisine to handcrafted goods and specialty items, Norwich Market is a vibrant hub that caters to all tastes and interests.


  • 🍕 Explore a variety of food stalls offering Indian, Thai, Chinese, Italian, and more, ensuring a global culinary adventure.
  • 🌸 Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the cherry blossoms that surround the market, creating a picturesque setting.
  • 🛍️ Discover an array of small stalls showcasing a wide range of products, providing endless shopping possibilities.
  • 🌮 Indulge your senses with the enticing aromas and visual delights emanating from the diverse food offerings.
  • 🏰 Wander through the market's surroundings and find yourself captivated by the historic Norwich Cathedral and War Memorial.
  • 🌟 Experience the market's cleanliness and tidiness, ensuring a pleasant and hygienic environment for visitors.
  • 💡 Uncover the fascinating stories behind the market, which has stood the test of time for over 900 years.
  • 🎭 Enjoy the proximity of the market to nearby shops and a theater, allowing for a well-rounded entertainment experience.
  • 🌽 Delight in the freshness and quality of the market's fish, meat, fruits, vegetables, and baked goods.
  • 🎉 Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of the market, where locals and tourists mingle, creating a vibrant community.

Why Choose Norwich Market?

When it comes to selecting a destination for your dining and shopping adventures, Norwich Market stands out as a prime choice. Here's why you should choose Norwich Market:

With its rich history and long-standing presence, Norwich Market offers a unique experience that seamlessly blends tradition and innovation. From the tantalizing aromas that waft through the air to the visually captivating displays of food and products, the market engages all your senses. Whether you're a food enthusiast eager to explore diverse cuisines or a shopping aficionado seeking one-of-a-kind treasures, Norwich Market caters to your every desire.

Moreover, the market's central location allows for easy access to other attractions such as the renowned Norwich Cathedral and War Memorial, providing a comprehensive experience that combines history, culture, and gastronomy. The market's commitment to cleanliness ensures a hygienic environment, allowing you to indulge in the delights without any worries.

Norwich Market has something for everyone. Whether you're a local seeking fresh produce or a tourist looking to immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere, this bustling hub of food and shopping offers an unparalleled experience. Come and discover the wonders that Norwich Market has to offer, and be prepared to embark on a journey of culinary delights and retail treasures.

Service Opportunities in the Business:
  • ✅ In-store shopping


Service Opportunities in the Business:
  • ✅ Has in-store shopping

  • ✅ Wheelchair-accessible entrance

This Market received 4.5 points from 7,703 customer reviews.

The address of Norwich Market is:

Norwich Market
1 Market Pl
Norwich, NR2 1ND

Open 6 days a week. The days and hours that Norwich Market is open:

Monday :   08:00-17:00
Tuesday :   10:00-19:00
Wednesday :   08:00-17:00
Thursday :   10:00-19:00
Friday :   08:00-17:00
Saturday :   10:00-19:00

No, it is closed since Saturday, 19:00. This place will re-open at Monday 08:00.

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