311-step, Great Fire of London memorial

Monument To The Great Fire Of London

London, ENG
Monument to the Great Fire of London

90% like it (4.5 / 10072 Reviews )


Address: Fish St Hill, London EC3R 8AH, United Kingdom MapGet Directions

Phone : +44 (207) 403-3761 Call


Please keep in mind that due to temporary closures, the times listed below may not accurately reflect current opening hours.
Day Working Hours
Monday Jun 17 Closed
Tuesday Jun 18 Closed
Wednesday Jun 19 Closed
Thursday Jun 20 Closed
Friday Jun 21 Closed
Saturday Jun 22 09:30-13:00 - 14:00-18:00
Sunday Jun 23 09:30-13:00 - 14:00-18:00


Monument to the Great Fire of London logo

The Monument to the Great Fire of London stands tall and proud in the heart of the City of London, commemorating the devastating fire that ravaged the city in 1666. This iconic structure offers not only a powerful reminder of London's history but also a captivating experience for visitors.


  • 🔥 The Monument was designed by Sir Christopher Wren and Robert Hooke, two prominent architects of the time, and was completed in 1677.
  • 🚶‍♂️ It stands at an impressive height of 202 feet (61 meters), making it the tallest isolated stone column in the world.
  • 🏰 The Monument's design draws inspiration from ancient Roman architecture, featuring a Doric column adorned with intricate bas-reliefs and a golden urn-shaped finial.
  • 🌆 The location of the Monument was carefully chosen. Its base is positioned near the spot where the Great Fire of London first broke out, in a bakery on Pudding Lane.
  • 🏛️ Inside the Monument, a spiral staircase with 311 steps leads visitors to a panoramic viewing platform, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding cityscape.
  • 🌉 The viewing platform overlooks notable landmarks such as Tower Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Shard, providing an unparalleled vista of London's skyline.
  • ⏰ The Monument is open to the public throughout the week, from Monday to Sunday, with morning and afternoon visiting hours.
  • 🎟️ Admission tickets grant visitors access to the Monument, allowing them to explore its historical significance and ascend its winding staircase.
  • 📷 The Monument offers fantastic photo opportunities for capturing memorable moments and remarkable views of London from its elevated vantage point.
  • 💬 Visitors have praised the helpfulness of the staff and the vibrant atmosphere surrounding the Monument, creating an enjoyable experience for all who visit.


This Historical landmark received 4.5 points from 10,072 customer reviews.

The address of Monument To The Great Fire Of is:

Monument to the Great Fire of London
Fish St Hill
London, EC3R 8AH
P: +442074033761

Open 2 days a week. The days and hours that Monument To The Great Fire Of is open:

Saturday :   09:30-13:00 - 14:00-18:00
Sunday :   09:30-13:00 - 14:00-18:00

No, it is closed since Sunday, 18:00. This place will re-open at Saturday 09:30.

Visit Website:

Monument to the Great Fire of London is listed under

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Monument to the Great Fire of London Location