Beauty salon

LMH Salon

Highland Heights, OH

100% like it (5.0 / 13 Reviews )


Address: 10 Renshaw Rd, Highland Heights, KY 41076, United States MapGet Directions

Phone : +1 (859) 360-7971 Call


LMH Salon is a beauty salon located at 10 Renshaw Rd, 41076, Highland Heights , OH.
It has received 13 reviews with an average rating of 5.0 stars.


Amenities in this business::
  • ✅ Has restrooms

Plan your visit:
  • ✅ Plase make an appointment

  • ✅ Wheelchair-friendly parking

This Beauty salon received 5.0 points from 13 customer reviews.

The address of Lmh Salon is:

LMH Salon
10 Renshaw Rd
Highland Heights, Kentucky 41076
P: +18593607971

LMH Salon is listed under


LMH Salon Location