Appliance repair service

Danny's Appliance Sales & Service

Providence, RI
Danny's Appliance Sales & Service

86% like it (4.3 / 590 Reviews )


Address: 263 Academy Ave, Providence, RI 02908, United States MapGet Directions

Phone : +1 (401) 351-0510 Call


Danny's Appliance Sales & Service is a appliance repair service located at 263 Academy Ave, 02908, Providence , RI.
It has received 590 reviews with an average rating of 4.3 stars.


This Appliance repair service received 4.3 points from 590 customer reviews.

The address of Danny's Appliance Sales & Service is:

Danny's Appliance Sales & Service
263 Academy Ave
Providence, Rhode Island 02908
P: +14013510510

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