Source of decorating supplies & tools

Brewers Decorator Centres

Weymouth, ENG
Brewers Decorator Centres

90% like it (4.5 / 58 Reviews )


Address: 172 Dorchester Rd, Weymouth DT3 5HU, United Kingdom MapGet Directions

Phone : +44 (130) 577-0609 Call


Please keep in mind that due to temporary closures, the times listed below may not accurately reflect current opening hours.
Day Working Hours
Monday Jun 10 07:00-17:00
Tuesday Jun 11 07:00-17:00
Wednesday Jun 12 07:00-17:00
Thursday Jun 13 07:00-17:00
Friday Jun 14 07:00-17:00
Saturday Jun 15 08:00-17:00
Sunday Jun 16 Closed


Brewers Decorator Centres logo

Brewers Decorator Centres, located in Weymouth, Dorset, is a renowned paint and decorating store that offers an exceptional range of high-quality products and expert knowledge to assist you in transforming your living spaces. With their excellent service, knowledgeable staff, and reasonable prices, they are a top choice for all your decorating needs.


  • 💡 Variety of Products: Brewers Decorator Centres provide a wide selection of paint and decorating products, including renowned brands like Farrow and Ball. Whether you're looking for a specific brand or a particular type of paint, they have you covered.
  • 💡 Knowledgeable Staff: The staff at Brewers Decorator Centres are highly knowledgeable and ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. They possess the expertise to guide you in choosing the right products and offer valuable advice for your projects.
  • 💡 Great Customer Service: Customers praise Brewers Decorator Centres for their commitment to going the extra mile. They are known for their exceptional customer service, ensuring that you receive personalized attention and have a positive shopping experience.
  • 💡 Reasonable Prices: Despite the quality of their products and service, Brewers Decorator Centres offer competitive and reasonable prices. They strive to provide value for money, making your decorating projects more affordable.
  • 💡 Convenient Car Park: The store has a small car park available for customers, making it convenient to visit and find parking space. This ensures a hassle-free experience during your trip to Brewers Decorator Centres.
  • 💡 Availability of Materials: If a specific product is not currently in stock, Brewers Decorator Centres can promptly source the materials you require. Their dedication to customer satisfaction ensures you can find what you need for your projects.
  • 💡 Alternative Options: Brewers Decorator Centres is not the only store in the area catering to decorating needs. Other options like Crown Decorating Centre and TradePoint Weymouth are also available for consideration, providing additional choices for customers.
  • 💡 Positive Reviews: Customers consistently praise the excellent service and knowledgeable staff at Brewers Decorator Centres. The positive feedback highlights the store's commitment to delivering exceptional experiences and quality products.
  • 💡 Trusted by Professionals: Brewers Decorator Centres are trusted by professionals in the industry, such as painters and decorators. Their reputation for reliability and quality makes them a go-to choice for tradespeople in the region.
  • 💡 Online Presence: Brewers Decorator Centres have an informative website where you can explore their products, find helpful tips and advice, and stay up to date with their latest offerings.

Why Choose Brewers Decorator Centres?

Brewers Decorator Centres stands out as a premier destination for paint and decorating needs in Weymouth. With their wide range of high-quality products, knowledgeable staff, and exceptional customer service, they provide a comprehensive solution for all your decorating projects. Whether you're a professional tradesperson or a DIY enthusiast, Brewers Decorator Centres offer the expertise, convenience, and value you seek. Experience their dedication to customer satisfaction and turn your vision into reality with confidence. Visit Brewers Decorator Centres today and embark on your journey to create beautifully decorated spaces.

Today working hours: 08:00-17:00


This Paint store received 4.5 points from 58 customer reviews.

The address of Brewers Decorator Centres is:

Brewers Decorator Centres
172 Dorchester Rd
Weymouth, DT3 5HU
P: +441305770609

Open 6 days a week. The days and hours that Brewers Decorator Centres is open:

Monday :   07:00-17:00
Tuesday :   07:00-17:00
Wednesday :   07:00-17:00
Thursday :   07:00-17:00
Friday :   07:00-17:00
Saturday :   08:00-17:00

No, it is closed since Saturday, 17:00. This place will re-open at Monday 07:00.

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Brewers Decorator Centres is listed under

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Brewers Decorator Centres Location