Zoo & wildlife conservation area

San Diego Zoo

San Diego, CA
San Diego Zoo

94% like it (4.7 / 53550 Reviews )


Address: 2920 Zoo Dr, San Diego, CA 92101, United States MapGet Directions

Phone : +1 (619) 231-1515 Call


Please keep in mind that due to temporary closures, the times listed below may not accurately reflect current opening hours.
Day Working Hours
Monday Jun 3 09:00-17:00
Tuesday Jun 4 09:00-17:00
Wednesday Jun 5 09:00-17:00
Thursday Jun 6 09:00-17:00
Friday Jun 7 09:00-17:00
Saturday Jun 8 09:00-17:00
Sunday Jun 9 09:00-17:00


San Diego Zoo logo

Welcome to the world-renowned San Diego Zoo, a haven for animal lovers and adventure seekers alike. Located in the heart of San Diego, California, this iconic zoo is home to a diverse array of fascinating wildlife species. With its lush surroundings and commitment to conservation, the San Diego Zoo offers an unforgettable experience that combines education, entertainment, and environmental stewardship.


  • 🦁 Explore over 100 acres of beautifully designed habitats.
  • 🌿 Witness more than 3,500 animals representing over 650 species.
  • 🐼 Encounter adorable giant pandas, one of the zoo's most beloved attractions.
  • 🐯 Marvel at majestic tigers and learn about their conservation efforts.
  • 🦅 Discover a variety of incredible bird species from all around the world.
  • 🌺 Immerse yourself in the beauty of botanical gardens and vibrant flora.
  • 🐧 Experience entertaining animal shows and informative presentations.
  • 📚 Participate in educational programs that promote wildlife conservation.
  • 🚶‍♂️Enjoy the convenience of free parking and easy access to the zoo.
  • 🌞 Take advantage of the zoo's extended opening hours for a memorable day.

Why Choose San Diego Zoo?

If you're seeking an extraordinary adventure, San Diego Zoo is the perfect destination for you. Here's why you should choose this exceptional establishment:

  1. 🌍 Conservation Commitment: San Diego Zoo is dedicated to the protection and preservation of endangered species. By visiting, you actively contribute to their conservation efforts and support a noble cause.

  2. 🐼 Unforgettable Panda Encounter: Get up close and personal with adorable giant pandas, a rare and cherished species. Witness their playful antics and learn about the zoo's efforts in panda conservation.

  3. 🌿 Diverse Wildlife Collection: Immerse yourself in a world of wonder as you encounter over 650 species from around the globe. From big cats to rare birds, the zoo's diverse collection will captivate your imagination.

  4. 📚 Educational Experiences: Expand your knowledge through engaging and informative programs offered at the zoo. Learn about animal behavior, conservation initiatives, and the importance of environmental sustainability.

  5. 🌺 Tranquil Botanical Gardens: Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life by strolling through the zoo's serene botanical gardens. Experience the beauty of nature while enjoying the company of fascinating animals.

  6. 🦁 Engaging Animal Shows: Be entertained by captivating animal shows and demonstrations that highlight the natural behaviors and talents of various species. Witness the intelligence and agility of these incredible creatures.

  7. 🚶‍♂️ Convenient Amenities: Enjoy the ease of free parking and hassle-free access to the zoo, making your visit even more convenient and enjoyable.

  8. 🌞 Extended Opening Hours: Make the most of your day at the zoo with extended opening hours. From morning to evening, you have ample time to explore and fully immerse yourself in this remarkable wildlife haven.

Embark on a journey that combines entertainment, education, and a deep appreciation for nature at the San Diego Zoo. Experience the wonders of the animal kingdom, support conservation efforts, and create lifelong memories. Book your visit now and let the adventure begin!

Today working hours: 09:00-17:00


Price range: $ (Inexpensive)

  • ✅ Good for kids
  • ✅ Good for kids birthday

Plan your visit:
  • ✅ Getting tickets in advance recommended

  • ✅ Wheelchair-friendly parking
  • ✅ Wheelchair-accessible entrance

This Zoo received 4.7 points from 53,550 customer reviews.

The address of San Diego Zoo is:

San Diego Zoo
2920 Zoo Dr
San Diego, California 92101
P: +16192311515

Open 7 days a week. The days and hours that San Diego Zoo is open:

Monday :   09:00-17:00
Tuesday :   09:00-17:00
Wednesday :   09:00-17:00
Thursday :   09:00-17:00
Friday :   09:00-17:00
Saturday :   09:00-17:00
Sunday :   09:00-17:00

No, it is closed since Saturday, 17:00. This place will re-open at Sunday 09:00.

Visit Website:

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