Narrow grassy area with small monuments

Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park

Miami, FL
Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park

90% like it (4.5 / 477 Reviews )


Address: 999 SW 13th Ave, Miami, FL 33135, United States MapGet Directions

Phone : +1 (305) 416-1300 Call


Please keep in mind that due to temporary closures, the times listed below may not accurately reflect current opening hours.
Day Working Hours
Monday Jun 10 00:00-24:00
Tuesday Open now 00:00-24:00
Wednesday Jun 12 00:00-24:00
Thursday Jun 13 00:00-24:00
Friday Jun 14 00:00-24:00
Saturday Jun 15 00:00-24:00
Sunday Jun 16 00:00-24:00


Grassy median with an eternal flame & other memorials for those who fought for Cuban independence.

📍 Location: Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park is a captivating destination that pays homage to Cuban history and culture. Nestled in a serene setting, this historical park offers visitors a unique experience filled with beautiful monuments and a tranquil atmosphere.

🐔 Roosters and Chickens: One of the park's charming features is the presence of roaming roosters and chickens, adding a touch of rustic authenticity to the surroundings.

🌳 Peaceful Ambiance: Step into a serene oasis as you explore Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park. The park exudes a peaceful ambiance, making it an ideal spot to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find tranquility among its green spaces.

🗿 Monumental Beauty: Immerse yourself in the rich history of Cuba showcased through impressive monuments scattered throughout the park. These monuments tell compelling stories and serve as reminders of significant events and figures from Cuban culture.

📚 Informative Displays: As you wander through the park, you'll come across informative displays that provide detailed information about each monument. These displays offer a deeper understanding of the historical context and significance behind each piece, enriching your visit.

🚶‍♀️ Walking Path: Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the park's well-maintained walking paths. Take in the sights, breathe in the fresh air, and let the tranquil surroundings inspire and rejuvenate you.

🅿️ Free Parking: A rare gem in the area, Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park offers free parking on the side of the alley. This convenience makes it easier for visitors to access the park without the worry and hassle of finding parking elsewhere.

Why Choose Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park

If you're seeking a place that seamlessly blends historical significance, natural beauty, and a serene atmosphere, Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park is the perfect choice. Here's why you should consider visiting:

✅ Rich History: Explore Cuban history through the park's remarkable monuments and informative displays. Gain a deeper appreciation for Cuban culture as you learn about the events and individuals that have shaped its heritage.

✅ Tranquility and Relaxation: Escape the noise and chaos of everyday life by immersing yourself in the peaceful ambiance of the park. Unwind as you meander along its pathways and find solace in the serene surroundings.

✅ Unique Atmosphere: The presence of roosters and chickens adds a touch of charm and authenticity to the park, creating a unique and memorable atmosphere that you won't find elsewhere.

✅ Informative Experience: The detailed information provided at each monument allows you to delve into the historical context and significance of the park's features. Expand your knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of Cuban history and culture.

✅ Convenient Parking: Enjoy the convenience of free parking, a rare find in the area. This eliminates the stress of searching for parking spaces, ensuring that your visit starts on a hassle-free note.

Embark on a journey through Cuban history, surrounded by monumental beauty and a serene ambiance. With its captivating atmosphere, informative displays, and rare free parking, Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park offers an unforgettable experience that will leave you with lasting memories.

Today working hours: Open 24 hours


Amenities in this business::
  • ✅ This place welcomes children

  • ✅ Wheelchair-friendly parking
  • ✅ Wheelchair-accessible entrance

This Memorial park received 4.5 points from 477 customer reviews.

The address of Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park is:

Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park
999 SW 13th Ave
Miami, Florida 33135
P: +13054161300

Open 7 days a week. The days and hours that Cuban Memorial Boulevard Park is open:

Monday :   00:00-24:00
Tuesday :   00:00-24:00
Wednesday :   00:00-24:00
Thursday :   00:00-24:00
Friday :   00:00-24:00
Saturday :   00:00-24:00
Sunday :   00:00-24:00

Yes, it is open since 00:00. It will close at 24:00.

Visit Website:

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